Adisyn and I took a trip to Wilmington, North Carolina to visit my parents and brother for spring break. Adisyn's first plane ride. Moe had to stay home and work so it was just the 2 of us. She did so good for me. We got there late (11:30 pm) on Wed. night and came back on Sunday. Wed. was a rough night for her. She didn't sleep much like I had hoped (which is why I planned to take a late flight) So when we arrived she was so exhausted and got herself all worked up and kept crying and ended up throwing up in the car on the way to my parents. Poor thing was so upset. But once we got through all that she was just fine. We enjoyed our visit so much. It was so nice just watching Adi be with her grandparents and uncle Chris. I know she doesn't get to see them that often, so thats what made this trip to special. We just played, and played and played....She made all of us laugh A LOT!!! She took a trip to McPapa's work to meet everyone (which she was asleep for most of), her first visit to the beach (which was so windy that we didn't get to stay long, pics below), and we went for a stroll downtown Wilmington (which is really cool). I wish my parents lived closer to us so that we could make more trips like this. Thank goodness for skype. Adi loves to skype with them. She interacts with them really well and it has helped make this long distance relationship a little easier. We will see them again at the end of June, but this time Moe will get to go and we are going to the Lake house this time instead. I am so excited!!!!!

Uncle Chris trying to carry Adisyn, She loved him:)

Happy Girl

Taking a walk downtown

Playing the piano with Uncle Chris

Bath time with Nonna

Nonna and McPapa bought me fun toys for the bath:)

My parents bought a seat that hooks to the table for her, this is her hanging out while we ate dinner (she of course already ate)

This is the chair they bought her before she was even born to take to the beach. This is just a few minutes before she freaked out. The wind was blowing so hard....

She of course has her tongue out. If she is outside and there is wind she has her tongue out. I will never understand the tongue thing, trust me it is hard to get a pick of her with the tongue in her mouth, what can I say, She is silly....

Uncle Chris and Adi down by the canal behind my parents house.
Headed to the park (the stroller my parents got at a hand me down store for cheap that worked out great. She enjoyed it:)