Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sonogram of our precious little girl!!!


  1. oh my!!! I love this, I love technology! Thank you for sharing in this awesome part of your lives. I love you and I cant wait to hear all about your planning and name choices :) CONGRATS on a baby girl coming summer 2010!!!! love ya

  2. (Hey Moe & Ash... It's Mandy) ;)
    Soooo AWESOME!!!!!... Who would have thought to video tape your Sono to share with all of us... Thanks Moe Man!!! :) For those of us who didn't actually get to be there. And yes, my eyes are welled up with tears of Excitement for you guys... just as if I was in the room with you. Hee Hee... Now, have you come up with any names for your little Princess? Can't wait for more.... LOVE YOU ALLLL!!!!

