Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Moe Ran His First Half Marathon

I am so proud of my honey. He worked so hard for this. He ran it in 1 hour 48 min. If you don't want to do the math that is a little over 8 minute miles. I was pretty amazed considering he was training for this all while working, going to school, and taking care of a newborn. That is what I call dedication. He would come home from work (which he gets up around 4am) and run for 1-2 hours every other day and then shower and go to class till 9ish. He was so exhausted esp when you have a newborn getting up every 3 hours to eat.Even though he wasn't always getting up with her, he couldn't help but hear her and wake up every time we did. He is a trooper. I couldn't help but get emotional when he passed by Adisyn and I and went across that finish line. I am so proud of him for putting his mind to something and accomplishing it. Not only can he say he ran a half marathon but he can say he ran it in less than 2 hours. My husband is so amazing to me. He is someone I am so proud to call my husband and a wonderful father to our beautiful daughter. Good work Honey you are truly AMAZING!! You can do anything you put your mind to. I love you!!!The group that ran.
Moe with his medal
Pat and Moe with their posters Mandy made them
This was just a picture of the 13 mile marker (don't know that guy)

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