Tuesday, February 23, 2010

19 Weeks

19 Weeks, and yes I know I look more chunky in the face in this picture. I am lovin salt right now and I know I need to cut back..ooops.
19 Weeks. I think my face is rounding out more than my tummy, yuck...


  1. Shut up- your face does not look like it's "rounding out". You look beautiful!!! I'm so glad I can look at this now and keep on track with your pregnancy :) Love you!!!

  2. I am so glad I can look at it too!!!!! I love it...and yes Joy is right...YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!!!! I cant wait to find out if baby mullhall is a boy or a girl!!! YAY

  3. Your beautiful Ashlea. I'm so excited for you. YAY!!!
