Sunday, September 26, 2010

Plaza Art Fair

It was such a beautiful night down on the Plaza. Great music, art, food, and drinks. Adisyn was so good too. It is so nice that we can take her places now. She loves to just look around.

Isn't she adorable!!!! How can you not give that face anything she wants..I am in trouble.HaHa!
Reese trying to get out of her stroller. It is only a matter of time till Adisyn is trying to do this exact thing. I have to cherish these moments of her just hanging out in her stroller without a care in the world.

8 weeks

Play time!

She is grabbing toys now.. The little things that excite me:) She loves this thing. She kicks like crazy and grabs the toys and coos. It is so fun to watch her. She is changing so much every week.

Pretty in PINK!!

Auntie Nana putting Adisyn to sleep
Hanging out with cousin Marley
Talking to MeMe
Hanging out with Dad


Adisyn did so good with her shots, of course she screamed but as soon as it was over I picked her up and she stopped crying immediately. She was smiling by the time we left the office:) She was so happy at the Dr.s (until shot time), she kept kicking her feet and they had to keep changing the paper on the table cause she kept ripping it but moving around so much. The nurse and Dr. said she is one of the happiest babies they have ever seen. She is a happy girl most of the time and so laid back (just like her daddy). Here are a few pictures of her Boo-boos from the shots. 1st leg shot
2nd leg shot
And look she is pointing at this one..HaHa.. she is saying look what that mean nurse did to me.....

Sunday, September 19, 2010

2 month check-up

Adisyn's 2 month check-up went great!! She weighs 11.7 lbs and 21 3/4 inches long. She is 75th percentile in weight and 50th percentile in height. She is drinking 4 oz. of milk on average every 3 hours. So yes..I am getting up every 3 hours with her still. So this is going to be hard going to work after getting up a couple times during the night with her. She got 3 shots at her appt. 2 in one leg and 1 in the other. She did cry pretty hard but as soon as I picked her up she calmed down. I didn't even cry. I am so glad everything ck'd out ok with her. Tomorrow I start back to work and she will have her first day at day care. I hope all goes well with that. I will be dropping her off around 7am and Moe will be picking her up around 3 every day. Can't believe she is 2 months old.. She started grabbing for toys that you put in front of her or when she lays on her play mat that has toys dangling from it today. It is the little things that gets you all excited!! We are trying to do more tummy time each day (not her favorite) but the dr. insist that we work more on this even though she doesn't like it. Another new thing is that she is now sleeping in her crib in her own room now. We are 2 nights into it. She has outgrown the bassinett in our room. The first night she got me up numerous times, but last night was more a success. She is growing up so fast..I will post pictures from this last week once I put them on the computer. It was a busy day getting ready for this week. Things are going to be so different. I hope I don't stress myself out about it. I will let you know how our first week went next weekend. Everyone have a great week!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

7th Week

Adisyn is smiling now when you talk to her or put a toy in front of her. She is growing so much. She goes Fri. morn. for her first round of shots. Pray for me!! I know it will be hard to watch them poke her and hear her cry. I will post more pics from this last week. She is def changing.
For me,this was my last week home with Adisyn. I go back to work Monday.UGH!!!! Although I do have mixed feelings about it. Kind of ready to go to work, doing what I love to do, but I have a new job I LOVE, watching and cuddling with my daughter. It will be hard in the beginning juggling both but I am sure in a few weeks we will get into a routine. It will be hard to drop her off that first day for sure, but I am sure it will get easier each day. I know she is in good hands so that helps. I hope she starts sleeping for more than 3 hours at a time soon, cause going to work on 4 hours of sleep is going to be brutal..
And as for Moe he has been training for the Half marathon that he is doing on Oct. 16th and he is still going to school so he has class Tues. and Thurs. nights and he also works 6 days a week. Needless to say we don't get to see him that much. So whenever he is around he spends all of his free time with her. Which gives me some time to do things around the house and errands. Its so nice to have him be so involved. She will probably be a daddy's girl:)
And now on to Duke.. He is a bit jealous. He is great with her and is gentle around her but he has shown us that he is not happy about this whole thing by peeing on our bed 3 times in one week. yep you read that right. So when you are exhausted and finally able to get to bed and pull back the covers to hop into bed and find that your dog has peed on your bed is beyond frustrating. I have tried to give him all the attention I can, but he needs to get used to this whole thing.
Well the last 8 weeks have flown by.... I will cherish these memories for years to come. I am so glad I was able to be off work to spend this quality time with Adisyn. I am sure going to miss her during the day. I will let you know how shots went on Friday. Who do you think will cry more me or Adisyn. I would put bets on Its all because I care about her so much that I don't want her in pain. And the cry I will hear that day will be like non other I have heard before.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Marshall vs. WVU

McPapa bought me my bow and pacifier. She was cheering on both teams...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Adisyn Loves her Daddy!

She loves to fall asleep in her Daddy's arms when he gets home from work. She misses him all day. She is already spoiled

Adisyn 's first baseball game

Friday night was such a beautiful night, it is finally cooling off around here. So Moe got some free tickets to the T-bones game. Adisyn was such a good baby, she slept for the first part of it and then woke up to eat and then it was time to go home. T-bones won:)Kari, Jeremy, and Reese joined us
She is thrilled:)
Adisyn-bottle of yummy milk Daddy-bottle of yummy beer= satisfied!

5-6 wk pictures

Chunky Cheeks!!