Friday, July 2, 2010

38 Week Dr. Appt.

So nothing has changed.. She just really wants to hang out. It must be pretty comfy to her, but she is not leaving me much room to eat or breathe. We are less than 2 wks away. How exciting!!! My blood pressure is good, my swelling went down a lot this week because our humidity is not sky high anymore. Thank goodness, that makes my life a lot easier. Still measuring on schedule.

Moe and I had our last official date night before kids tonight. It was a beautiful evening so we had dinner outside at one of our favorite mexican restaurants (Cactus Grill) and went to see the movie Eclipse (which was awesome). We know we will still have our date nights but it will definitely be harder to get away once we have kids. The days of just doing whatever whenever we want are over. But we are so ready to start this new chapter in our lives and will enjoy spending time as a family with our new little one.

Mom gets here Wed. and we are so excited to see her. She gets to spend a month with us. I am looking forward to that:) Well unless something happens, which I doubt, I will let you know how things look next Friday.

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