Adisyn sprayed poop all over grandma this morning. Mom thought she was done pooping and went to change her and when she pulled her legs up to wipe her she sprayed poop all over the front of moms shirt. Not only once but twice,LOL... we got a good laugh out of it.
Well I am glad we are home, I couldn't stay at the hospital one more night. I am trying to get us in a routine and so far today she has done well. Just trying to keep her awake a little more today so she will sleep tonight, I can't go on 2 1/2 hrs of sleep again. It's so funny how tired you are and no matter how frustrated you get sometimes, you grow to love them more and more everyday. I wouldn't trade a second of being with her for anything in the world. I am so lucky to have given birth to such a perfect baby!! I will post pictures of our homecoming soon.
I am so happy you are all home! Oh, and the lack of sleep, its something you will get used to!!